
Follow what’s happening on board the Tucker

Kia Ora Whanau, Welcome back to some regular blog posts, we are out of maintenance and back into voyaging; yaThis morning we …

Meet Grace Cadogen, a remarkable 15-year-old student from Springbank School, currently in year 11. Grace’s journey with the Tucker began when she …

Well, today we made the most of already having made it to where we are going. We’ve had a great day staying …

Kia Ora Whānau Let the sea shanties begin! After our usual morning cold dip in Tutukaka and breakfast, we did our morning …

Our students set sail with friends and whanau to celebrate finishing their Qualified Deck Crew Certification Training Course and exam. The skills …

Kia Ora Whanau, This morning was a quick start! After our morning swim and breakfast we brought the anchor up, set our …

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