Today’s morning started with an extra half an hour sleep in, then straight into our normal routine with the morning swim, morning duties then gathering round the saloon table for a warm cooked breakfast. Some of the trainees were up for helping out with some of the ships maintenance; Daisy helped some of the crew tallow down the masts. Jayden and Isaiha helped to clean the bilges. Once that was completed we pulled out the mega swing. Ngahuia was first up, followed by grace and daisy. Symphony, Rosie, Ellen and Michelle enjoyed watching and some made decorations out of flax. Razarn, Isaiha and Jayden had lessons at driving the tender and most people had turns at rowing Lil Tuck. Then it was pizzas for lunch. After lunch it was free time, some of the trainees chose to spend this time either baking, playing cards or just enjoying their last day together with their friends. We completed some lessons on knots, anchoring and we touched base on navigation. The trainees then initiated some group games before participating in 30 minutes of silence. We had some more bonding time before our roast dinner was ready.
We’re looking forward to see you all tomorrow!
