It was a rainy start to our day here out on the good ship.
As the trainees could hear the rain falling against the roof above their heads, everyone was rather slow to get out of bed.
Breakfast was served, which the trainees happily helped themselves to.
The morning duties were then underway, trainees were both below and above decks making sure the tucker stays in ship shape condition.
Then it was down stairs for some classes of safety on board before the trainees enjoyed some free time.
We devoured a delicious lunch of pumpkin soup and scones, and with full bellies we gathered on deck for some line handling lessons.
All day captain and crew were umming and arring about whether going for a sail was a good idea, but with the strong wind advisories, and gale warnings forecasting 50 knot winds, we decided to stay put for the day.
We were shortly back down stairs with more classes on Anchoring, Bio security, phonetic alphabet and rules of the road at sea.
The trainees earned a well-deserved swim as the rain cleared for a brief period. Chevy, Emma S, Brianna, Kira and Travis all enjoyed their time in the pool followed by hot showers. Emma H and Javed really enjoyed watching the shock on the swimmers faces once they realised how cold the water was.
Down stairs Tea, Leo, Teina and Aaliyah were down stairs helping in the galley with dinner and some biscuits for afternoon tea.
The trainees gathered around the table for games before a delicious dinner of spaghetti bolognaise was served.
The trainees are now all enjoying some free time before highs and lows for the night!
We are looking forward to tomorrow, hopefully the weather gets better and we can find many more places to explore.

Good night!