YTH 1911 Rua ra

Waking up from our first night on board the R tucker Thompson, all trainees were ready for their morning swim and a warm shower before starting on the cleaning duties. Deck was scrubbed, floor was swept and toilet cleaned, just in time for breakfast to be served.

The morning was filled with lessons on line handling, every trainee was assigned a line, and was taught how to take a turn, make fast and coil down. Then our safety officers : Bethany, Cole, Mason and Chloe were shown how the engine works and followed the daily checks. Those on anchor duty learned how to hoist the anchor. Ben did a good job at flaking the chain!

All the things we learned were put into practice as we hoisted the main sail, the fore sail and the head sails. A couple of tacks later we were sailing towards Black Rocks where we were met by Chloes grandparents also sailing on their yacht “Marangai”. We waved them from aloft as we headed towards the Kerikeri inlet.

Once anchored in front of Marsden Cross, we ate a yummy curry and went ashore to explore the historic site. Walked up and down the hill, collected some lemons and sat around the monument for a 30mins of silence.

Back to the ship we moved round the corner to Whale bay and got ready for a diving session before the sunlight disappeared behind the hill. Laura, Cole and Mason came back with fresh mussles! We might eat them with butter and garlic as an entree before tonights boil up and dumplings.
