Kia ora From the R Tucker Thompson
We awoke at 7:15 in a great space, we completed our morning routine. After a warm breakfast we packed up and then went ashore to Russell, for a bit of history. We started by visiting the Russell radio station to introduce the trainees and meet with the people that trainees talked with everyday via VHF radio. We then made our way to the Russell museum. Lots of history was learned and everyone showed great interest.
Back onboard we all put our wet weather gears on, completed engine check, weather report and checked in with Russell radio. Heading out into heavy rain, 30knots wind all trainees were involved. Jayden at the helm we then set sail towards Otaio Bay. Considering the poor visibility, Kiara worked hard and pointed out our course for our night anchorage. We practiced steering to windward and tacking. All trainees did great and stayed involved even is these tough conditions. Great commitment when tacking. They all realized how important communication is when sailing in rough conditions. Also, all the safety precaution that was taught to the trainees since the start of the voyage, all made sense today. “Accuracy and vigour”
Tamati showed initiative in the galley while sailing. He made hot chocolate for trainees and coffee for the Crews. A nice thought that help to keep the smiles on and motivation going.
We dropped anchor in Otaio Bay by 14:00. Lunch was ready as soon as the trainees and crews came back down below. We filled up the afternoon with weather and history lessons. Now the boat smells good, with Captain Terry in the galley. Looking forward for what tomorrow will bring.
Po Marie.