Ahoy from the good ship the R Tucker Thompson
Today has been a great start to our third youth voyage of the season.
As we departed Opua we set the foresail and made our way out to Pewhairangi, we were welcome by gusts of up to 30kts of wind and 2-meter swells. On our venture out we settled in with each other by playing a name game and then unpacking our belongings and running through an orientation of the ship.
At 1300hrs we arrived into Twin Lagoon bay on Motuarohia Island (Roberton Island), we dropped anchor and enjoyed some sausage sizzle made by crew Jess. Once dishes were done everyone grabbed a harness and got to get familiar with climbing up the rigging and out on the bow sprit. After some fun aloft we all came back down lowered the tender and went to shore to explore the island, play some games and learn about the history of the area.
Once ashore we gathered around and learnt the history about how lieutenant James cook visited in 1769 and also learnt about the Roberton family- the first family to live on the island, we then went for a short walk up to the look out point and familiarized everyone with the bay of islands. After some photos and banter, we made our way back to the beach and played a few more team building games- lots of smiles and laughter.
We are now back on board the ship making our way to Opunga Cove where we will be spending the night.
Overall today has been a very happy and a very educational day for the trainees. We are looking forward for what the rest of the night brings and what weather pulls through tomorrow.
Po Marie