YTH-2101 Tahi Ra


Ahoy from the R Tucker Thompson

What a great start to the first voyage of the season!!

As we departed Opua, we set the Main sail, Fore sail, headsails, topsail and set a course for Roberton island. During our sail we enjoyed some quick activities learning each others’ names, an orientation of the ship and even a chance to climb up the rigging and out onto the bow sprit.

At 1530hrs we arrived at Roberton Island where we will be spending the night. As soon as we dropped anchor everyone was in the water to cool off after the warm sail into the bay.

For the rest of the evening, we are planning to do an further orientation of the ship, do some lessons covering safety at sea and enjoy our first dinner of spag bol.

Overall, awesome day, full of enthusiasm and smiles and looking forward to tomorrow’s activities.

Ma Te Wa