Kia ora, today was our fourth day on the boat and we woke up early as usual. We had our usual swim this morning and then did our chores. After that we got on the dingy and went for a walk at Rangihoua, we saw heaps of cool views and learnt about the history of the first European settlers. Back at the boat we got ready for a snorkel, most of us went but a few stayed behind, the water was misty as but we got a few kina and seen some fish. When we got back to the boat Ben ate his first kina then spat it out. Amy tried to teach everyone to backflip (including Kym) but only Elsa and Princeton succeeded. Nuku tried but backslapped about 8 times. Once the wind had picked up we went for a sail to Motorua island. The sail was good but we had a few challenges. Once we got there we made a boil-up and Janice made a self saucing pudding. Now we are just drinking milo and listening to Nuku play the guitar.

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