YTH 2401 Ra Taurima – Day Five

Up we get it’s swim time! We all jumped into the water, it was surprisingly warm as the sun climbed over the Cape Brett Peninsula. It was chores time soon after…DOLPHINS!..we all moved swiftly to get a glimpse. We wanted them to come closer, so we sang tutira mai nga iwi for them and they turned toward us, jumping out of the water headed toward our bow. What a wonderful start to the day. Breakfast was up, leftover boil up on toast. It was time to get into our trifecta activities, sailing Little Tuck, driving the tender and the ultimate challenge, the Tucker Challenge. Our tummies were grumbling after a full on morning, pizza for lunch and up with the anchor. It was great sailing weather back into the bay to Urupukapuka Island for the night.
We’ve got more activities, board games and dinner to soak up the rest of the night. Another big day ahead of us tomorrow. Pō mārie

(Photo: Us singing to the dolphins)