YTH 2401 Ra Tuawha– Day Four

Wakey wakey time to jump into the water! Breakfast was soon after with porridge, baked beans and veggie soup. Instead of our normal routine in the morning, we baked delicious cookies and prepared a sausage sizzle for our beach picnic. We headed to Paradise Bay and met with Project Island Song, a wildlife sanctuary program here in the Bay of Islands. Today we learnt about the bird life on the island, how to read foot prints and how to track wētāpunga.
We slapped peanut butter on ink pads and placed them back in the traps. We were able to track 2 wētapunga today and a lot of banded rail birds. We also saw a ruru perched on a tree branch staring down at us. After a successful day with Project Island Song we had a sausage sizzle and baked cookies on the beach.
Back to the ship we go, hot chocolate and cookies await for our halfway mark celebration. We had a bit of spare time swimming and swinging off the rope swing. It’s almost time to lift the anchor and sail off into the sunset for our night sail to Oke Bay. Another full on day with more to follow! Until tomorrow. Ma te wa