YTH-2401 Ra Tuatahi – Day One

What a beautiful day to see off our first youth voyage of the year. After our wonderful powhiri we played games, said farewell to our whānau and set sail out of Opua. Underway we played name games, learnt about safety onboard and helpful tips about the ship. To test our knowledge we played a quick game, trying to find items that the crew called out. Connor jumped on the tools for lunch and cooked a delicious mac n cheese. We carried on with more lessons and learnt how to make fast, take a turn and coil a line. Dinner wasn’t too far around the corner and the aroma of nachos could be smelt throughout our lessons. We soon arrived at Motuarohia for our night anchorage, we dropped our sails and put what we’ve learnt into practice. We are really getting along well, so much laughter could be heard across the island. We will finish off with our daily highlights and a bit of story telling until lights out. We can’t wait for our next adventure tomorrow.
Pō mārie