YTH-1911 Toru ra

Good evening from the R tucker Thompson,

We had good weather today, not much wind but lots of sunshine. Waking up in Whale bay, the day started with morning swim, duties, breakfast as per usual.

We then sat around the table for a lesson on Points of sail and rules of the road at sea which then was followed by the Tucker Challenge and putting lil’ Tuck in the water for those keen to learn how to row. Climbing aloft and touching the end of the yard first was Laura, soon followed by Bethany, Mac, Cole, Te Hana, Chloe, Mason and Ben.

We had the mussels for lunch, and once the dishes done, we left our anchorage for an afternoon sail back towards the islands in the bay, anchoring in Paradise Bay, we went ashore, walked to the lookout and were greeted by a full rainbow! We enjoyed the views for a little while then descended back for a little beach cleaning mission, we all found at least three pieces of rubbish each, Aylah had pockets full, and we threw them in the bin upon our return to the ship.

Leaving Paradise Bay, we anchored in Pipi Bay for the night. We are going to close todays activities with a little chat about recycling and the effects of plastic in our oceans before sitting down around the table for dinner and getting a good night sleep before tomorrows adventures.