YTH2317 – Rā Tuatoru – Day 3

Kia ora whānau,

We have weathered the weather warning in the good shelter of Oke Bay today. Just like in the days of old, we have had the task of filling our day until it is right to sail again tomorrow. We have done so and have had a lot of fun together in many different ways.

This morning, the first rain squall came through just as we finished our cleaning stations, so, brass shining, we hunkered down for some lessons on why the weather weathers and how to use it to our advantage as a sailing vessel. Once the squall passed, we decided to climb the mast and tackle the Tucker challenge. Many of us made it up there in the wind, before the temptation of brownies and banana cake (and the next squall) called us back to the warmth below deck.

Down below, the trainees got lucky and had morning tea in the crew quarters while the first Tucker bracelets were made. After this, we went in to the beach and braved another couple of small squalls on our walk out towards Rawhiti Point. On the way, we gathered harakeke, played games like Look Up Look Down and Camouflage, and took a group photo!

Back at the ship, we had a warming lunch of pumpkin soup made by our captain Terry – with rolls from Zhané. While more weather rolled through, we had some more lessons like how to tie useful sailing knots and learning the phonetic alphabet. Then dinner was ready! Arihi had made an amazing boil up for us! With full tummies, we are now talking away in the saloon and having freetime and rest before ship hide and go seek tonight.

We are looking forward to a good sleep tonight and hope everyone is going well at home,
