YTH2318 – Rā Tuarima – Day Five

Today was a special wake up alarm and this morning a crew member was playing the guitar and singing “Happy birthday dear Tucker, happy birthday to you!” Out of our bunks we bolted ready for our morning swim. Chef Andre was on it straight away with pancakes on the BBQ for breakfast. Today we celebrated the Tuckers birthday by learning how to drive the tender, climbing for the Tucker Challenge and playing games on a tropical beach. We returned to the ship for an energy filled fried rice again beautifully crafted by Andre, to fuel us for an afternoon of attempting to catch fish and baking goodies for Tuckers birthday celebrations. As we waited for the sun to set we got fired up for our night sail with some Tucker birthday games, and as soon as the time was right, as te Rā was saying good night, we raised our sails and took flight. We are now cruising towards Whangārei heads at a pacing 1.5kn watching the stars emerge through the waning clouds. Time to get her cake out and enjoy the beautiful evening. We’ll anchor up in Urquharts Bay this evening, whenever we get there.

until tomorrow whānau, pō marie