YTH2319A- Rā Tuawha – Day 4

We woke up to find the sun shining down on us at last! After our morning ocean swim ritual, we jumped straight into our cleaning duties while we looked forward to a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs and baked beans. From there we swiftly moved into our stations, now really knowing the flow of the Tucker. 

Navigation lessons from Tom and Pete came next. We were split into two groups to learn all about how to plot a course, find latitude, longitude and depth on a map and magnetic and true courses. An interruption from some surprise visitors of the Explore ferry cruised by to look at us in awe and the beauty of our tall ship. We then snapped back to reality as our new skills were put to the test with a competition! 

We then set sail for our next destination Oke Bay. Along the way successful attempts were made of the Tucker challenge while we sailed smoothly at two knots. Anchored up in the bay we bathed in the sunshine while fuelling up on a delicious spicy lunch cooked by Tom. More swimming and jumping off the boat followed lunch and then we all geared up for an afternoon of snorkelling. A pre-dinner feast of the Kina was a must before one last mission to get some watercress to add to our boil up for dinner.

Our day finished with some star gazing to top off a stunner day. 

Catch ya tomorrow!