YTH2402 – Rā Tuarua – Day 2

We all started our day the best way with a morning swim off the Tucker at our anchorage at Waewaetorea. Our captain then cooked us up a hearty breakfast so we were fully fuelled to jump into our daily cleaning routines. Up next on the agenda was our climbing induction, we learnt how to go up and over the rigging. It was a solid day two challenge that was equally rewarding once completed. Hooked on adventure, we hit the water in the tender to go explore a taniwha cave on the motu followed by some snorkeling and even a bit of cliff jumping! Back on the tall ship we tucked into a hot kai to warm us up before we prepared to set sail for Whangamumu. We are currently sailing along steadily, about to go round Cape Brett with some of us, in true sailer style, hanging out on the bow sprit and up the rigging. Baking is in the oven to get us through to our next anchorage. Everyone happy and getting on well still. Until tomorrow, pō mārie.