YTH2405 Rà Tuatoru-Day 3

We rose with the morning sun, beginning the day with a plunge into chilly water, refreshing our bodies and cleansing ourselves. Feeling refreshed, we began at our chores. With a ship-shape ship and a sparkling compass, we cracked into a wholesome breakfast.

After changing into warm tramping gear, we set off for Motukawanui island. Upon arrival, we gathered for a warm-up song and prepared for our ascent to the lookout. We walked through the bush, scattered with wild flowers and stunning views, until we found ourselves walking through the low lying clouds. What a view! Surrounded by islands, we shared favourite plants and fun facts about the people around us.

Back at the beach, we played games before returning to the ship for a warming lunch of hearty veggie soup and cheese rolls. Fed and energised, it was time to wetsuit up. Once we had finished changing, we went over rules and embarked on a new adventure. We went snorkelling beside a group of rocks, and found many interesting fish. We gathered Kina, to learn about and enjoy aboard the ship. After which, we enjoyed carrot cake, compliments to our fabulous crew member, Nicholas.