It was time for our morning swim again. All agreed that the air temperature was warmer, but the water was definitely colder than the Cavalli’s. After our swim it was straight into our morning routine, chores and breakfast. Fluffy pancakes were on the menu this morning. So good! We then geared up to go ashore to meet with Project Island Song which works to restore and protect the natural eco-systems and heritage of the Bay of Islands. Today we tracked wētapunga and managed to find some prints in a trap. After some time ashore we came back hyped for the Tucker Challenge. Harnesses on and up we went. We enjoyed toasted cheese sandwiches for lunch as we cheered our friends along. Once we finished our challenge we lifted hook and headed to Waiwhāpuku Bay, there we hiked up to an old WWII observation post and watched the Spirit of New Zealand come into view. It was now time for a game of camouflage. Laughter could be heard across the bay. We headed back to the ship as we had a date with the Spirit of New Zealand. We headed toward their anchorage to raft up alongside. We had a shared dinner onboard and let the trainees mix and mingle. We are looking to head back to Waiwhāpuku Bay for our night anchorage. Another great day full of activities. Tomorrow we take over the ship. We will keep in touch. Mā te wa