YTH-1904-Toru Ra

From the Good Ship R.Tucker Thompson, secure in Waikahoa Bay, the southern side of Whangaruru Harbour on the Mimiwhangata Peninsula. A passing squall has put a damp end to an otherwise beaut day. Rising to see the sun leave the horizon, centre piece of the entrance to Whangamumu Harbour, a perfect time to swim. Duties complete and breakfast taken and cleared it was up on deck to hoist some sail and head south. Trainees tended to lines now becoming more familiar and soon the main and fore were hoisted, ready on the headsails and set, standby on the Course, brace the yards and hoist just as the fresh westerly arrived, 0915 hours. The trimming of sails with course set from the chart, Daniel was back at the helm, relieved by Blake and Tiriti as we passed the coastline of Tai Tokerau towards Home Point and Danger rock, beam reach cracking seven knots, yahoo! By 1200 we were approaching our anchorage and lunch, souperb on deck, all resting from the trip down the coast. Some free time Tommy, Joe, Ryan, Maggie,  Waiorangi, Maggie, Josh  had time to swing and swim, after with Natayla and Martha some fine  waiata with the ship’s ukulele and sweet voices. Wayne and Magnus were on a hunt and gather amongst the kelp off a nearby headland and returned with a crustacean laden catch bag, lunch.

Then ashore to stretch and remove the wobbles from the legs. With ball or beach the trainees calmed to the land then over the hill to walk the length and return of Mimiwhangata Beach during 30 minutes of silence. A visit up to the headland pa for some solice and extensive views of our journey travelled. Out to the ship to gather washing and togs from an approaching front, time for the weather class, and a couple of others as dinner bakes away. Daniel is creating an apple and feijoa crumble for dessert, yummy. We are all well settled into the routine and looking forward to another busy day tomorrow in clearing skies.

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