Our students set sail with friends and whanau to celebrate finishing their Qualified Deck Crew Certification Training Course and exam.
The skills and training the students learnt over the last 2 weeks create a pathway to employment as a qualified deckhand on commercial vessels or further education. Our two week QDC Training course was packed with hands-on learning and real-life scenarios. From steering the Happy Ferry to acting out man overboard drills on board the Tucker, the crew did it all. The course expanded our students’ knowledge of what Maritime has to offer as a career option, and the many paths people can take in the industry. Alongside finishing their Maritime NZ Qualified Deck Crew exam, they also achieved their Passengers Endorsement, First Aid Training and Marine Radio Operator.
With many vessels requiring employees to have at least one person on board with a Qualified Deck Crew Certificate, this gives students an extra advantage going into work. From QDC, students can also choose to progress to Skipper Restricted Limits (SRL).
A massive thank you to Terry Dunn, who delivered the training, his enthusiasm and shining personality set the stage for hands-on and fun learning. Thank you Milo Coldren from Skipper Training NZ for your partnership in delivering this training, keeping our kids inspired and bringing along a depth of knowledge and expertise.
This wouldn’t have been possible without the funding from Te Puni Kōkiri, their support ensured this training was accessible and financially possible for all our students. Thank you!
And lastly, thank you students. We look forward to seeing where our students go next – whether they study further, stay local and work in the Bay this summer, or set sail for the big wide world! We wish you all the best, good luck and keep in touch.