YTH-2002 Rua Ra

Today we all woke up at 7:30am for a refreshing morning swim to start off our day. We split off into our above and below deck groups and got on with our morning duties to keep the ship looking ship shape. Then we tuckered into brekkie and had some fresh fish caught from yesterday before teaming up in two groups, Port and Starboard, to learn how to sail the ship with Port in charge of navigation and taking the helm and Starboard in charge of the sails and anchor. It was a lovely sail with everyone involved and taking turns steering the ship. We pulled into the shelter of Army Bay and we all went on a Moturua island hike, visited historical Mangahawea and played games on the beach like tapu tapu rakau. Rene, Makayla and Thomas climbed up the rigging and completed our Tucker challenge today. Now we’re all warm tucked up in Tucker, and Dinner’s almost ready! Goodnight everyone.