YTH blog 2003 Ono Ra

Kia Ora from the good ship the R.Tucker Thompson

This morning Captain Wayne woke us up with the sound of the engine. We had a mission, get to the hole in the rock. We raised the anchor, set the sails and then accomplished our morning duty, while sailing. Warm breakfast and tea were also served on our way.

We arrived at the hole in the rock by 9:00 and went for an adventure. Lots of fun and laughter. Back on the ship, we set sail towards Deep Water cove where Cody, Dawid and Logan went for a dive with Captain Wayne and Ethan. Renate, Henare and Branden practiced rowing little tuck. Dennis and Rian took this opportunity to accomplish the Tucker challenge, while Tama practiced his new song on the ukulele. We then had lunch and set sail again toward Wai Iti Bay, our anchor for the night. With 8 knots easterly wind, everyone enjoyed a relaxing afternoon sail. We dropped our anchor for our last night at around 16:30. Right away, Mary, Aria, Ella and crew Jess started baking a special treat for our last dinner together.

We enjoyed our last meal sharing memories from our amazing week together. Everyone is in a good space and we are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.


Picture taken by Dawid!