Ahoj everyone from the good ship!

Day two has been a very wet and windy day, perfect for book work. After waking up this morning and seeing the horizontal rain outside we decided to not have our morning swim and have breakfast instead.

After breakfast trainees completed their daily chores and then spent the whole morning filling out some of their logbooks, learning about safety at sea, fishing regulations and chart reading. A break in the weather allowed some on deck activity, starting with harnesses on and going aloft and out to the bowsprit, many were keen but only a few went up. Ngakiri got to the top of the foremast, Corey, Isaiah, Soabahn, Abby, Trinity, Leela, Eva and Joshua all had a good climb on first attempt and look forward to the Tucker Challenge in some good weather. For lunch we had some yummy homemade pizza, then we weighed anchor and left the shelter of our overnight anchorage, heading off into the bay to learn the lines and set the sails.

We parked up briefly at Cable Bay for a trip ashore to play games and do our first 30 minutes of silence, which everyone did very well at! Corey swam back from shore to the ship, Ngakiri, Eva, Josh, Kyra, Abby went for a swim, jumping off the shrouds and bowspirit, followed by a hot deck shower. Revived with a hot chocolate, we weighed anchor again and are back to our anchorage from last night, Te Hue Bay.

Po marie