
Follow what’s happening on board the Tucker

Today we started youth voyage 1808 with an amazing start. The trainees were welcomed onto the ship and were shortly up on …

Ahoj everyone!! What a change in weather from yesterday to today. Yesterday: flat seas and no wind; Today: horizontal rain and gusts …

This morning, the trainees were awoken and asked to instead of heading to the usual morning swim, head straight for morning duties. …

Land ho!!! Day 4 is nearly over here on Voyage 1807. We are anchored up in the shelter of Orokawa Bay after …

Today started with the usual morning swim, morning duties and then straight into breakfast. Wiremu, Tomas, Mahina, and Manaakitia completed the checks …

Ahoj friends and family of the Tucker. Day 2 started off with a splash, Eden being the first in the water for …

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